Monitoring & Evaluation Software Tools
"Monitoring and Evaluation of Partner performance is crucial to the success of Projects"
Real-Time Data
View the results of your data collection in real-time
If your current system requires you to wait before you can access your data then perhaps you need to make a change! ulwazi allows you to run reports and view your data and as soon as it’s captured
Unlimited form Creation
Use ulwazi in any scenario and create unlimited forms, no matter what your requirement
Simply capture all the information you need and sync it back to the server when you have wifi connectivity
Mobile App for Data Collection
ulwazi includes an Android app for data collection. The App works offline making it ideal for distributed rural areas with little or no connectivity.
Administrators can message Field Agents and the geographic location of where all forms are captured, is recorded for reference
The Story Behind ulwazi
ulwazi has been created by practitioners for practitioners
This is a software suite developed by ECD practitioners for Monitoring & Evaluation. The system features were specified Mary James of LETCEE and Redefine Software took care of the development process.
Mary’s many years of experience in the ECD sector has been translated into a software platform that facilitates the Monitoring & Evaluation of community projects. It works in remote, distributed areas and provides a revolutionary access to monitoring data, in real time..
LETCEE provides ECD interventions for the communities surrounding the Greytown area, in Kwa Zulu- Natal. Redefine Software specialises in the development of custom software systems.
ulwazi is packed with features aimed at providing a central resource for management of project interventions, creating efficiency, empowering people and providing real-time information with which to make informed decisions.
- Create Unlimited Forms and Questions....yourself!
- Track location of Field Agents and monitor location history per person
- Create Projects and assign specific Field Agents to each project
- Monitor where Forms are completed
- View Form Data in Real-Time
- Extract Data to spreadsheets to run your Own Statistics
- Create Training Course profiles, assign learners and record attendance
- Send messages to Field Agents
- Customise Forms to use your own terminology
- Set Completion Frequency for each Form
Request a Demo
Contact us to set up a demo profile on the management system for you. Download the demo App from the Google Play Store. The App is only available for Android compatible devices.
Fully compatible